Focal's Clear Mg is the newest set of high-end open back dynamic headphones from Focal combining chic elegant design with new light weight M-shaped Magnesium dome technology, so pair it with a top-flight source and a clean amp like our Gilmore Lite mk2 or the fully balanced GS-X mini, to hear the Clear Mg at its best. Designed to enhance your listening experience at home, Clear Mg delivers a truly exceptional performance designed for the comfort of home.
The first batch of Focal Clear Mg headphones is supposed to ship to HeadAmp on March 19. We are now accepting pre-orders. If you're reading this after that date, see our Focal Clear Mg page for the latest ordering and stock status.
Focal Clear Mg Specifications
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We'll be in New York City for CanJam NYC 2025. Come hear the full-production CFA3 power your favorite headphones February 22-23 in Times Square!